Why Attend?
If you need to review the essentials of Cardiovascular Nursing practice, look no further than the American College of Cardiovascular Nurses (ACCN). Having set the Standards of Education and Practice for Cardiovascular Nurses in 1991, the ACCN has 23 years experience providing targeted high quality Cardiology Courses to Cardiac Nurses on a global scale. The have gained a reputation second to none for hosting Courses in Cardiology for Cardiac Nurses. Do not miss this opportunity, to secure the knowledge you may already have and sharpen your skills in other areas.
Saturday June 22,2024
7:30am – Onsite Sign-in Required
8am-5pm Topics
Bedside Assessment of the CV Patient
ECG Essentials
Lunch on your own
Coronary artery disease (ACS)
Sunday June 23, 2024
7:30am – Onsite Sign-in Required
8am-12pm Topics:
Heart Failure
Interventional Cardiology
Lunch on your own
Sunday June 23, 2024 - 2:00-5:00pm
Pen and Paper Cardiovascular Nursing Board Certification Opportunity hosted by ABCM, Inc. onsite.
To cancel, send an email to the course registrar [email protected] by June 18, 2024, to avoid a $50 processing penalty. All no-shows will forfeit their full registration fee, and no refund will be available. Cancellations for a Medical Emergency must accompany written proof of the emergency by a direct supervisor.
This course is approved for 8.0 contact hours for 6/22/2024 and an additional 4.0 hours for 6/23/2024 by the Florida Board of Nursing under Provider number 50-29846. Fill out course evaluation onsite and turn it in for your certificate of attendance.
CVRN Course
TGH Staff - $199
CVRN Board Certification TGH Staff
Vicki Hayes, DNP, FNP-C, HF-Cert, CVNP-BC, ECG-BC
Dr. Hayes is Board-Certified as a Family Nurse Practitioner, Certified Heart Failure Provider, Certified Cardiovascular Nurse Practitioner with several years’ experience teaching Cardiology, she is a Board Certified
12-Lead ECG Instructor.
CVRN Course
non-TGH Staff - $220
CVRN Board Certification non-TGH Staff
B) Attend the Cardiovascular Nursing Course Online 24/7
Watch the program at any time convenient to you. Just fill out the application, make your payment and then wait for your manual to arrive in the mail. In the meantime, you will be emailed the course links to access each of the 7 modules. All lectures are recorded and hosted for your use any time of day or night; log in when you have the time.
Contents of the Cardiovascular Nursing Course with CEs Awarded per Topic:
CVN 101 - Bedside Assessment - 2 hrs
CVN 102 - ECG Essentials - 2.5 hrs
CVN 103 - Coronary Artery Disease - 2 hrs
CVN 104 - Hypertension - 1 hr
CVN 105 - Cardiomyopathy - 1 hr
CVN 106 - Heart Failure - 2 hrs
CVN 106 - Heart Failure - 2 hrs
CVN 107-Non-Invasive and Interventional Cardiology 1.5 hrs
The course consists of a Course Book mailed to registrants, and the course sessions which are developed in PowerPoint, recorded over by faculty and hosted Online through the GotoWebinar platform (our Virtual Classroom).
CE Credits Awarded
In order to obtain CE credit for attending this online course you must fill out the attached course evaluation form and submit it. Once this comes into the CE office, a certificate will be generated and emailed to the email you provided in your application to the course. The course awards 12.0 CE upon completion.
Evaluation Form Here
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Mauris vitae vehicula dui
Refund Policy
Once the course application is approved and the course manual has been mailed and access to the course links provided for the online course modules, there will be no refunds available. If you are not sure if this is the right course for you, please ask for a sample module to check out the format and style before making the purchase.
Aliquam vestibulum vitae nibh quis
Mauris vitae vehicula dui
You may sign into the Course on a cell phone, tablet, PC or MAC computer from home, no hospital locations unless prior authorization is sought and approved in writing by MHF administration. Be sure audio is functioning and our internet is stable.
The course is open to any country however, MHF does not ship manuals to out of the country customers unless postage is prepaid. This would mean coordinating with the staff to determine postage at [email protected].
No third party purchases. Each customer must purchase their course using a credit card or check with their name imprinted on it, or a money order.
You may sign into the Cardiovascular Nursing Course on a cell phone, tablet, PC or MAC computer from home, no hospital locations unless prior authorization is sought and approved in writing by MHF administration [email protected].
In order to receive CE credit for the study of the course, you will be required to submit the course evaluation form.